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Goldilocks never knocked! (Rant and OOTD) 

We all know the story of Goldilocks and the three bears right? It’s all about some little girl who breaks into this bear family’s house and pretty much eats their food and crashes on their beds (ummm criminal much?!). Now I’m not exactly sure what this story was supposed to teach us growing up…But I have been thinking about the whole thing and I like to think of “Goldilocks” as a euphemism for society.

 Think about it, the opinion of society is never warranted…I can eat my porridge cold if I want to! I can have a bed that is too hard…but “goldilocks” tells me it’s not right, that there is only one perfect way to have or do things, that every other way is just not right! 

Did the Bears ask for Goldilocks to come on in and judge their food or chairs or beds? Hell No!  

So why do we let society judge us for the things that make us different? 

What would happen to the world if we just stopped? 

Stopped judging the lady who rocks the mini skirt to soccer training, stopped seeing stretchmarks, scars and wrinkles as a bad thing, ceased dieting to the point of starvation just to look like the girl in the advertising campaigns or refused to gossip about that person who wears the same budget outfit everyday. 

Why do we do it to each other, to ourselves! 

I’ll admit in the past, I have had a few shitty people treat me like I’m sub-par or weird because of my weight and the way I act or dress. Doing this whole fashion blog thing has brought those voices back from the past a little for me. 

It’s not easy to feel confident about the whole “modelling for my Instagram and Blog” thing. Especially when society has put labels on certain people…. Like “plus size” or “thin”, “tall” or “short” …. I feel like I don’t fit into any of those labels. 

For example, I feel like to be a plus size blogger now days you have to get half naked…say what?!…I’m not into showing my skin…I’m not exactly bursting with pride about the way I look. Let’s be honest, I prefer clothing! Does this somehow make me not inspirational, like the plus size bloggers? 

I’ve decided it doesn’t! I am not perfect, and I’m ok with that…and I don’t have to take photos of myself half naked to show that I’m good with being myself. It’s the same with every other thing that society tells us is the right way. 

Take clothing for example, I can feel just as good in my thrifted clothes as others do in their designer brands. Just because it’s drilled into us, doesn’t mean we can’t rebel and do whatever the hell we want. 

Everyone has too much pressure and stress put on them to be perfect and I’m hereby rebelling against it, who’s with me?! 🙌🏻 

Let’s be Unique 

Let’s be ourselves

Let’s kick Goldilocks ass! 

After all, she deserves it! She did try to get away with home invasion and robbery. 

So… Go forth

And F**k Goldilocks….the snooty little byatch! 

(And wear cute and weird outfits whilst doing it, you anarchists!)

Let me know in the comments, what you feel pressured by or how have others judged you in the past or present.

Thriftstore Apocalypse X 

Follow me on ….

Instagram – thriftstore_apocalypse

Facebook – thriftstore apocalypse 

7 thoughts on “Goldilocks never knocked! (Rant and OOTD) 

    1. That’s so sweet, thank you so much… I can’t believe people other than my dog find me hilarious! And yes I do consider my dog a person…😂 I think it’s important for everyone to just be whoever they want to be and not have to worry about what anyone else thinks… I really wish the world worked this way, perhaps we can make a change one person at a time! 💙


  1. I love this post! It is so true and I have ever understood why everyone wants be be one of the robots. Luckily I was brought up pretty alternative so I never fit in, I still had friends but I was OK with being weird! 🙂 It can get to you sometimes though but on the whole I dress for me and no-one else.
    Tika 🙂

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